Monroe Historical Society December 9 Page 7 (2025)

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December 9, 1971 Monroe Historical SocietyMonroe Historical Society December 9 Page 7 (1)

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December 9, 1971

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1 • Estate,._- Dec. 9, 1971, Monitor, Monroe, Wn., Page Seven' -- I I I I | I II I -- Highland House 3 Bedroom RAMBLER on large fenced lot. NEW TOWNE HOUSE Park Place, $14,750. " j , On bluff overlooking T e r m s. MONROE F £ I ", t For Fast Results CALL 794-7116 Monroe Valley; De- REALTY, 794-7487 - I 'J dE , J " W rkW luxe appliances; car-103 W. Main, Monroe. So e anted pets and drapes; elec- 47-1if For Sole o trio fireplaces; pri- FOR SALE: Potatoes, "G A R A G-E-',S-A'-L"E'- "F-or ner vaLe Landis; Util- ity Room; Washers, a pound, Tony 10 a.m. - 2 p.m, Mon- customers of Nancy dryers & hair dryers; Broers, one mile south day, December 13, 649 Stack at Claire's Recreation Room with on Monroe-Duvall Elizabeth. 794-7903 Beauty Salon. We are Road. 794-7917.43 tfc Stereo, Pantry Cup- now open six days a pool table; Deluxe units at no added cost. board, Recordsand week with four oper- Phone 794-8014-2-tfc'4 Clothes. ators. Claire's Beauty 47-1tc Salon, 208 W. Main, 17 1/2' Thunderbird , ........... Monroe. 794-6859. Boat and trailer, 100SELL or TRADE for FOR RENT: Stretch AUTO PARTS H 0J°hns°n, Al' 794- newer MOTORCYCLE DRESSMAKING and Anartment furnished, 7. 1962 Chev Impala Alterations Hilda $50 AdUlts onl" DUPLEX - Close to Homes, Commemial - excellent. All Wilson, Rt.'l, Box535, no "pets 794-799 [ schools. Large LOT. offers a 794":7163 Monroe $21.500. T er ms. Complete Line of : P[TRi fi'S , ,J-, ..... P new tires 794-6456. Monroe. 794-7662. " 42-tfcMONROE REALTY, zor a gooo sexection " 47 3 42-tfc of clean school cloth- _ ....... ....................... I03 W. Main, Monroe. " - "R 'RVICE RODLAND " I Auto Farts it • ing,, .d shoes,. Most For Sale" LocalGrass SEPTIC TANK For Rent- B,%CHELOR 794-7487. 47 ltc [" W Nk in Complete Tire Serv ,m AUT0 SERVICE I no. n vnew c°n2lj, e A Y. "Pick up or , TR*DUBLES?,7, sleeping room' $35 a I]5 /2 • • " New, used & recaps WAYNERODLAND-Ow~t ! ".." ...... delivered. Call Even- "we month. 79 -8594. For Sale: 1/2 ACRE, 7Y4-5500 E. Main 794-7103 .L___ ...... | cree , o n r o e,in s 794 8957 Call zr 42-tfc Wash. 44-tfc b. - "47-tfc BUSY CALL COL ............. 4 Bedroom, 2 Baths, STATE ROOFERS G & L Axtman's I ..... LECT AL9-6372 ACE Office, family room, or Sale. E-xp-Iomves 137 K D .... and blast'ing supplies. NOVELTIES!! SEPrIC SERVICE 2 Bedr o'omYa. ar ment 2 fireplaces, thermo- " An Established Imtkl V eU^R Veterinary Clinic I Eldon Harvey, Snoho- Hand made chests, ......... .y _, , pane windows, carpet, Monroe Business D V/ nvr Hours 9 12 & 1 5 I ..... • argo rooms, drapes, drapes, refrigerator, Re-roofing is GLASS WORK r : qr~-- " -- [ mtsh Airfield. LO 8 bowls, cookeries, etc." ............ - .... .- q- W . or, a appnances, 2,000 sq. ft., 3 years Our Specialty AUTO BODY, PAINT Appts. ,rezerrea|. 2040, tfc ill accep orders. Trees and stumus re electric heat excel- old, up to 2 1/2 acres | Cole Smith 794-7164 11 1/2 S Lewis 794-8158 I , " P 794 6231 Rt 2, Box " - 1 ........... " - " " moved nrunin , and ent storage, covered available, $29,700. ANTIQUES, ART, 235E, Sultan. tonnin ras °haul parking Adults only 793-6963. 47 ltc D@n $ Monroe Cleaners Small Animals ! Brtc a Brac Hobby 47 3tp vv 6. - " " A|I#A Home Owned 1/2 Mile West of | - - " - _. in , and ,ard cleanuu No Pets. 794-6030. items at the Dutno's ............ ~' ~ *'" . ,,.1, ~vu.v, Home Operated Monroe-Bothel ! " --d x .... ff TOP SOIL Free estimates Call 37-tfc mmoC :." C o i ng :uTt GoROkUeND BA. K or evening%7.94 2 VTEW LOT , Mon- i New, Used Cars li2 Cw. s,. Cutoff / sale. Open weekends rico e y nook • - A .artment _ roe Heights -- $4,950 ] 94-8778 Main & Mad. 794-6662 / and by appointment. Sand and Gravel .............. heat, each. Easy Terms. V,,II v D I, Mnnrnnonroe ono, so a SY3-2843. 46-2tp ...R?n Schirman BACKHOE and BUll- -xzonth. 94-7%3: MONROE REALTY ISky ,,..e..a¢. ,,sauce 't DVII~ IIII ~b@llll;I ........... ue, tvered 794-8876 dizing service, exca- evenings 46-tfc 103 W. Main, Monroe. [ Custom Cut, Wrap fuuw|. ||.9 Complete Insurance | FOR SALE: 441 BSA 36-tfc vatin~ back - filltna .... "-- ....... 794-748747 ltf ! ~__|._. a~-.. [ signup Now 103V, W.~a|, | | LUGKUl Iviu~t I For Fall Leagues Monro*,Wmh. 9|272 | Vt0ctor" Shooting Stawr "Fo~Sa~e:O:G~o~vth septt~ tanks, dra~ FOR RENT: OneBed- zvx~wrcYcxe, I o cedar " ost ~rails fields, and ditching by room dowutown apart- 3--BE~R~'M--H-O~IE-" I 794-8128 I Highway 2 794-7473 ;Iqm,e794.$759.H@me794.|2|$I milage 793 2154after P , , foot or hour H W o .... - I REALTY I Shopping • - • >- • • • r ent $65 and Farm D. L " -- Center / 4 p.m. 46-tff [rrUc oadOn ..; au Lilley, Snohomish, LOup. Adults only No new carpet, roof and MONROE uutcnerm9 ....... " paint job. Doublewtn- [ ] smoke po k " Barber Shop l --: .... or we deliver. Build 8-5085 pets. If you qualify doTs, patio, garage I 103 West Main Ibeefbeef ]erkyjerky &&, salmonsalmon Monroe | GARAGE SALE fen,,o ,,... ............. call collect AL2-0819 • vv. J F Jim C m n • 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. o,_ . . ( ) u ; tugs or PA2-7256. 43-tfc and nice yard. Park i [ Monroe___ Lockers Shoppin Center [ RES. LO a,,~73"; O Sunday F--or Sine: .......... x true, 12 IncomeM Tax TWO or THREE bed- Phone: 794-6515. l SHOP SEARS- 325 Sumac Drive 4 aln Monroe room apartments. $50 46-4tc Couch, Table, Vanity, Gib Johnson Realty to$75.-794-7603. , . I Easy Catalog I .. .... - I I ..... : I i Store Notions. 6301 w .... Office 794-6111 7-tfc 44-tfc 2 Year Old. 3 Bed- - Wiring, Heating 47-lip " ' A7 - ........... room RAMBLER, I , II .ono,.on,ng.ono.,o.,. I FREE: Use of rug ........ WEnLeLt F D xLkTN2' APARTMENT for rent Family room, Fire-I ,.,... S,o.up ,o, ,, ........... ! ZEaUh 96S9 l L Farms.-=Acreage--Hesidential I • ' m Monroe 2 Bedroom shampooer w th pur- XMAS IS NEAR Call EM "3-8900 or i ........ place, Double garage, chase of ChemClean Port buv HU 6-0]:"a S zurn;sneo, water and $25,000. MONROE [ HARRY'S SEPTIC II WE RENT:UHaul II HARP[NING I r, ............ ' ......... ' orb Rug and Upholstery Vikin ,-h-'=-,o-*oao-11301-23ra A-o g age paid. $110. REALTY- 103 W'll TANK SERVICE II Trailers&Trucks ![ eei ttozary tower |[[R'--I=i''--::-----S| " ^ ' -* --"" ..................... 793 ,.,,eaner. . quar wu- • -,,,,=,,. Main, Monroe. 794- _ . year. Bring trade-in o-t,o -_. ,., I Call Collect II Pops Time Service II I ao an average szze after Christmas Also ao *zC --F..H.K.--TV.--o A. rug. Coast-to-Coast mdn,,-oodused= -,-- " ......................... - ! S¥ 3-40 2 or l iComplete Automotive Stores. 15-tfc machines at bargain DRESSMAKING and OR.RENT: Sultan.- |. SY 3-2143 | Service & Repair J J ...... a ...... I prices VikingSewlng : alterations Mrs LiD- rmsnea une. HOM with/. Kt. 2 8ox 124 O l[ForLessFor Less ..... ~ .... " ................. ' ........................ " " ~" .... ~'~-' ...... "! ~ om Aparcmenr 3 Bedroom, I"LS""',~,1u;_,.......o Monroe,- ,,Wn:"' ,, ---"'cao ,mare ,,, ~c ~s two baths, fireplace, QrJEall I'IoSv e ne dd? Ceon:::.AL27O9930yet-. Mon e t 4 pa iodr w/w carpeting over I Monroe !l - "I94-6251 II ,794-8296_ i well insulated. Sink with • - tank. Sell as is $150, or 46-4tc 568-6786. 46-tfc H.W. floors, large ....... utility room, garage , best offer. For Sale: C A ND L E DRAFTING Built-in DISHWASHER. with space for carport. ----- • .... ,, -, , , ' . Works good. $40. 794_ Supplies available. Plans to meet U.B.C. LADON New r°°f and gutters'BUll "Rentals and daily Valley *i BURN'S HOBBY NOOK and FHA codes. Spec- 2 Bedroom, w/w car- brick and plastered, bull service, deliver- 7320. 47-tfc 793-5444. 46-tff trum Drafting. 334- pet, colored ap- low heating cost etc. ed. RegisteredWhtte- .......... Church D/rectory SENIOR---SHOWCASE W% i;4 2697. 3-tfc pliances, parking, lots Large corner lot on face, Black Angus, of storage. Enjoy paved street and city Charolais, Shorthorn, BAZAAR -- East County Senior Center C'ASH-- or ALDER saw Roads and driveways heated swtmmingpool, water. Low price of Holstein. 629 - 3541. 325 Elizabeth Street. $22,900. Easy Terms Roy Baker. 17-tfc built and graveled- 794,7608. 46_tfc and low interest" N E-ED "-Ce d-at sa d- " Highway 2, Monroe. logs, Dahlkey Inc. crushed rock, pit run. INGALLS REALTY - or shavings ? Excellent - December 2-18, 794-6668. 46-3tp Backhoe by the job or 10 a.m.-4 p.m by the hour. Cowman- 794-7435. 47-2tc for pet litter, mulch- Christmas Gifts for eur. Geo. Stansfield. RENT or SALE -- By Ing or barnyard bed- MONRoEsEVENTH-DAY : []ti~l Owner, Monroe-View. • a 1 1 !!46-2tc 793-4764. 20-tfc 4 Bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, 25 ACRES. Wooded ding. Truck load, U- ADVENTIST CHURCH Rec. Room, Eat-in- wonderland, CREEK, Haul or Delivered. SabbathSchoolO:15a. m. -- ...... POODLE GROOMING FUI Kitchen, 2 Fireplaces, planted in small ever- Roesler Tbr. Co., 793- Church " 11 a.m. ' 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. for the pampered Saturday and Sunday Poodle. 794-8705. 34 x 15 Living-Dining greens, Invest for the4811. 45-tfc Wed. Prayer Meea . .30p. m Room, 1/2 Acre lot. future. MONROE Welfare Center 10-3 Wed. 17522-158thDecemberplacell -S.E.12 . 46-4tc Bedroom downstairs 6 years old. Call 794- REALTY -103W. Main Marysville Livestock Monroe Monroe _Church 1 Block off Hospital AKC Toy Poodle Stud duplex.129 S. Madison.Electric heat.794_ 7030 after 5 p.mj:. o 2to Monroe. 794-7487. ndoy0fth e 47-1. ' Auction ' '. Community Chapel. s 25 Acres with VIEW,Marysviile 659-50 3 Worsh,n ]]am 7-m Road. 47-1tp Service. 794-6243. --. Old Highway 99 Lewis and McDougal • For-- "Reg_ 46-2tc 8417. 47-tfc Sultan area. Mostly or 568-6556 Sale every Sunday School 9:45 3 ,,, v •. ..... -z vv i n 174 : dDY POOL TABLE, $90; BOB'S SAW Serwce, Small 2 Bedroom cleared - $26,000. Tuesday . Worship Service 11 • - Portable T.V., hardly Stihl sales and set, HOUSE. Electrtcheat, R E W A R D !! Terms. MONROE • ULTAN M UNITY used, $75; Console vice. Come in for S no children or pets. MONEY lost Friday in REALTY - 103 W. FSRS-A~E:-'L-im~r- ~SundaYMtdweekEveningservice7"30 s METHODIsTCO M ' STEREO, $35; Childs demonstration ot References required, a Monroe ShoppingCen- Main, Monroe. 794- field or barn. Sacked • .794-6713 Pastor Rinks Rev. C. Lund, 793-5901 Organ, $10; 8 nun Stihl's many outstand- ACREAGE available, ter store. 794-6765. 7487 or bulk. Miller Lime -- ' Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. ARGUS PROJECTOR, trig features today, 794-7140. 47 tfc 47-1tp 47 ltf Co. GoId Bar. SY3- ~ l~(Att~.nd Church~-~ Morning Worship. 11 a.m. $45. 793-6963. 47 ltc C h a t n sharpening.. 3763. Closed Tuesday: ~. Youth. 7 p.m. 1200 2nd St. Sno~ 13 -tfcm.PIANO for Sale. Small 40" high ConsolePiano.Will sacrificeto responsible partyinthis area. Cash orterms. Also, organw i t h AutomaticRhythm. Phone col-lect CH3-9270 orwrite Adjustor, 427 S.W. 153rd, Seattle,Wn., 98166. homtsh 568-3221 HOUSE for RENT, 27-tfc Monroe. 794-8342 orA V A I L A B L E 885-2156. 47-1tcAllstate InsuranceWayne Clayton, agent. For Rent: 2 BedroomAll types of insuranceapartment with rangeand auto financing, and refrigerator. PlayMonroe Sears Store. area for children,Tuesday mornings, washer and dryer794-7411 hookup. $95 per 47-3tp month. Call 794-6421For Sale: evenings. 47-2tc DRIVEWAYS graveled. ---- Pit run and fiR. David -----Stegler OIL Asper, 794-6205.HEATER. 793-8742. _47-It_p_ FOR SALE: 71Schwtnn 3 Speed, 26" BICYCLE with speedometer. 794=8187.47-2tc47-4tc"MIKE WEBB RENTAL Law, Mowers sharp- ned and repaired AUTHORIZED Br[ggs Stratton, Lauson -For Sale: L100 Ham- rechumse and Clintonmond ORGAN. Excel- Sales & Service.lent condition. 793- , also3451 evenings, all Mnds of lawn mow- 47-1tc er parts. • 601 - 2nd Street, Sno- --------homish 568.9119 F R E E: 3 ColliePUPPIES. 8 weeksold. 793-6011. SHOP MONITOR 47-2tp ADVERTISERS47 -tfc FOR RENT: 2 Bed- roOm v/ at and clean,new carpet, $120 monthly. 2 Bedroom, $95 monthly. 1 Bed- room, lease at $85 monthly. Green State Properties, Inc. 794- 8322. 47-1tcFOR RENT: N E W,unfurnished 2 Bed-room• apartment onHospttal Road, $100per month, 794-7208.47-2tcREWARD: $200 Re-ward to the recoveryor return of a greyand white peek-a-pooanswering to the nameof "Smokey". Lostor picked up in thevicinity of Sultan Gar-bage Dump. ChUdrenpretty heartbroken.Call collect 793-4113. 47-4tcRugged. Fully patentee I ........ TO THE SEATTLE yards or across the street, let Britton Brothers do yourinator of Jet Puml LIVESTOCK HAUL- ING - Anywhere-Any-Ge| |he fgC| [ time Snohomish LO8- 6011. 30-tfc ! ,RABBITS 794-8057 35 -t'fcMJscella.eous INDOOR MOTORCYCLE RACING 7:30 p.m. - Friday Monroe Fair Grounds Arena (Arena now heated)Proceeds to LionsClub Charities. 743-1705. 43-6tc HEARliIG AID REPAIRSOn the spot repoirs on allmakes and modeLs: reasQ.QGb!eprices. "Free Esti.(otesl|00 Hewitt'Are., [verett, Wasli. PIHm 2S2-8/tZ .....rI[NSTALLED-- ' (For Auto and Home) MONROE HARDWARE-- I I Sales & Service RCA -- ZENITH FRIGIDAIRE Wheeler Applianc ,794-8141 Monro gABS Proved Sires 10Breeds. Dairy andBeef. 794-7245 be-fore l0 a.m. 5-tfcEXCELLENT 8 yearold Morgan andArabian mare. Gentlebut spirited. Alsomares' 1 1/2 year oldfilly.See at 314 DUpper Woods CreekRoad, Monroe. KrisRautiola. 46-2tp8 month old QUARTERHORSE Filly. Papersand needs good home.Make offer. Call after3 p.m. 794-8937. SULTAN BAPTIST Rev. D. Prescott, 793-3901 Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Training Union, 6 p. m.Evening Service, 7 p. m.SULTAN ASSEMBLY OF GODSunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 11 a. m. Evening Worship, 7 p. m.Bible Study, 7:30 p, m. ' Episcopal Church 'Of Our SaviorSunday School, 10 a.m.Services, 11 a.m.GOLD BAR OPENBIBLE STANDARDRev. E. Johnson, 793-5755Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.Morning Worship, 11 a.m.Evening Service, 7 p. m. S TARTUP BAPTISTWm. Neuman-Interim Pasto~Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.Morning Worship, 11 a. m.Evenin_g Service, 7 p.m.Monroe FirstBaptist Church:Sunday School 9:45 Morning Worship lh00Homer Smith, Vicar Evening Worship 7:00 Evangel TabernacleAssembly of God123 North Blakely St. Rev. Roy AndersonSunday School 9:45Worship 11 am Tuesday - Prayer 7:30 p-Evening 7:30 Midweek - Thurs. 7:30 • BETHEL ASSEMBLY Corner of Columbia and Madison Streets• Howard M. Gering, Pastor Sunday: Church School .... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship lh 00 a.m. Evening Service 6:00 p.m. ' Thurs: Bible Class 7:00 p.m.Special Young People's Activities Scheduled

Monroe Historical Society December 9 Page 7 (2025)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.